Circuit of The Americas / X Games

As Director of Brand Management at Circuit of The Americas, I co-directed the creative development team with the Sr. Director of Marketing of ESPN, overseeing all local and national marketing efforts for X Games 2014-15.

Personal contacts within the Austin community lead to the development of the creative above. Working with a top creative agency in NYC, we conceptualized a vision of the X Games athletes taking over the city streets as though they grew up in the neighborhood. Intertwining local artists, skaters, bikers, shop owners, and friends of the scene, as our behind-the scenes extras gave us local street-cred.

Driving the message around town

Local influencers, employees, and VIP’s were given the opportunity to drive loaner vehicles around town for days at a time. I was lucky enough to participate and I saw first hand how impactful it was in my day to day driving around the city.

Podium placing experiences

I co-lead a team that was responsible for dozens of lead up activations throughout the central Texas region. This included experiential designs, such as building a replica of the X Games podium that could be placed at events to help build awareness and engage with the locals.